The Download Maps Manager (MapsBroker) service is not started and is causing alerts in the Server Dashboard. This service just starts on demand and is normally not running. There are various ways to disable the service, as on a server it’s very rare that the Mapsbroker service is actually used.
1) Disable in Command Prompt:
SC Stop “MapsBroker” && SC Config “MapsBroker” Start= Disabled
If the Service is already stopped and you get error [SC] ControlService FAILED 1062: The service has not been started, use only:
SC Config “MapsBroker” Start= Disabled
2) Disable in Powershell (as admin):
Get-Service -Name MapsBroker | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled -Confirm:$false
3) Disable using GPO:
Group Policy Manager Editor – Computer Configuration – Policies – Windows Settings – Security Settings – System Services – Download Maps Manager and Disable.
4) Disable in services.msc
Right-click the start-button, select run and type: services.msc (or click start and type services.msc), scroll down to Downloaded Maps Manager, right-click and click properties. Selected Disabled under Startup Type and click apply. If the service is running at the time, click the stop button.