After playing with Veeam 11 for a bit, I decided to get my Linux Docker physical host on the backup schedule. The hardware is getting older (Some would call it vintage or just plain ancient as it’s a 2nd gen i7, but it gets the job done) and it won’t last forever. The onboarding of this physical machine was deceptively simple. A few mouse-clicks here, an IP address there and some SSH credentials. This was just too easy, so I decided to manually run the job and keep an eye on it. I didn’t have to wait long.
After a few minutes, the job completed already. With a warning. I knew it had been too good to be true.
Unable to initialize indexing: mlocate was not found
This really doesn’t seem too hard of an issue, and the good thing is, it isn’t. Just fire up Putty and log in over SSH:
sudo apt install mlocate
This is really all it took. Maybe I should have RTFM…