
Error “Group(s) not found: ui (via –with)” installing PrivateGPT 0.4 on WSL

Note: the below assumes you already have followed any other guide, but you have gotten an error up to that point. The below will pick up directly where you left off in the your original guide.

As of a few days ago, when you try to install PrivateGPT with Poetry on WSL following various guides, the commands: “cd privateGPT”, “poetry install –with ui”, “poetry install –with local”, Poetry returns the errors.

Group(s) not found: ui (via –with)
Group(s) not found: local (via –with)

When going through the commit (which can be found here: 45f0571), it turns out that ui is moved from its own group and has moved to the “extras” group. It’s unclear to me where “local” went though.


PrivateGPT: ImportError: docx2txt is required to read Microsoft Word files

When trying to interact with Microsoft Word files, PrivateGPT throws out an error and does not want to parse it:
ImportError: docx2txt is required to read Microsoft Word files: pip install docx2txt

When actually installing docx2txt with pip, the error is still there. For some strange reason, PrivateGPT is still recommending pip, while it has moved away from pip for quite a while now. To resolve the issue, the answer is simple: Do Not Use Pip to install docx2txt (or whisper or any of the other converters you may need to upload your files.