Synology NAS

Synology Drive App for Windows 10 does not connect

When trying to connect, the app displays a message:

Connection fail. Check your network settings and try again.

The solution to this is that next to port 5000 and 5001, the port 6690 also has to be opened to the Synology NAS. If this port is not opened, the Windows app will fail.

The Android and iOS apps will work with just port 5000 (or 5001 if SSL is selected and the certificate is valid).


Ubuntu displays print_req_error: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

With a new install as a virtual server, Ubuntu repeatedly displays the error:

print_req_error: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

The reason is the virtual server does not have a floppy drive. To resolve:

# sudo rmmod floppy
# echo “blacklist floppy” | tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-floppy.conf
# sudo dpkg-reconfigure initramfs-tools

The message should now be gone for good.

Microsoft Generic

Active Directory: Best Practices for Internal Domain and Network Names


When planning for a new Active Directory (AD) or upgrade AD, or merging AD one of the topics that will get on the table is planning DNS. DNS is the Domain Naming system, used to translate names into network (IP) addresses. Certainly this is the case if you need to plan for integration with an extranet, DMZ (demilitarized zone, typically between intranet and internet), or publishing website and applications


Install an Off-the-Shelf Hard Drive in an Xbox 360

Since the day of the Xbox 360 release, storage space for the device has been overpriced beyond belief. OEM 250GB HDD models still cost $110! A 250GB hard drive should not destroy my wallet, Microsoft. Storage space, especially on HDDs, is cheap. You can buy a removable 2TB external for only $40, so it’s a little beyond my comprehension to see how they calculate their MSRP to yield such a large profit. On the other hand, Xbox 360 had very impressive hardware specs back in the day, equipped with a triple core CPU, which was unheard of at that time.


Fix Your Photo Scans Professionally Using Photoshop

In this photo scanning guide, you’re going to learn how to:

  • Make your image colours look natural and less dull and flat
  • Get rid of dust scratches without taking away detail
  • Make blurry photos look sharper and more defined

But if you’re not sure what the actual problems are when scanning photos, then how are you suppose to fix them?

So here’s the 3 problems and how to fix them.